Mahber Menfes Kedus (MMK) is an Association of Catholic faithful in the spirit of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement, started in 2006 by the late Abba Teklezghi Ocbaghiorghis. , O. S. Cist, from the O. L. of Fatima Cistercian Monastery, in Mount Laurel, NJ. We aim at helping members open up to the workings of the Holy Spirit and surrender to His plan in our lives. The mission is to be useful instruments in His hands, aware of the charisma showered on us for the building up of the Church. We are aware that through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation that we are made children of the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, washed in the Blood from the Cross. We claim and appropriate the Salvation earned for us through Jesus’ sufferings, death and resurrection, and are anointed with the oil of the Holy Spirit. Together with all the baptized, we share in the Kingly priesthood, and the prophetic ministry of Jesus Christ, the Eternal high priest and the Word of the Father.